photo credit: Noah Devereaux
Joe's Pizza
Included In
The tip of a Joe’s slice never droops. Some people call this "tip integrity," which is of course important but not the be-all-end-all of determining pizza merits. When it's 2am at Joe's, though, tip integrity will be only the thing that matters. You'll stumble onto Carmine Street needing cheese and sauce on bread, and that plain slice won't lose its dignity and spill hot grease onto a shirt you paid too much money for. Joe's is perfect in that moment, even if the pizza isn't.
The New York institution upholds one of our city’s greatest traditions at five different locations. The original West Village spot usually has long lines, but Joe's slices still come out piping hot every single time. When you reach the counter, with four dollars in hand, a paper plate will appear within seconds. Sure, the glistening grease is a bit much and the red sauce tastes slightly undercooked. None of that matters. Joe's doesn't need to make the best pizza in the five boroughs to be great, because they make the best pizza if you're standing right in front of it.